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Poppy, Elka White Breadseed

  • $4.79


Papaver somniferum

Slovakian heirloom with massive seedheads and oil-rich, snow-white seeds.

Showy pale lavender blooms top these 3-4' tall plants that feed oodles of bees before swelling into fat seedpods that house loads of light-colored seeds that can be used in baking. Seeds are sweeter, nuttier, and oilier than darker varieties. Plus, if they get stuck in your teeth, no one can see them because they're white! So eat up!

200 seeds.

Seeds grown by Thompson Creek Farm in Newman Lake, Washington.

Directions: Poppies dislike having their roots disturbed and they prefer cool soil, so it's best to direct sow them in late fall to early spring. Light is required for germination so scatter seeds on the surface and lightly cover with soil.

Planting Depth

Plant Spacing

Days to Germination

Days to Maturity






Poppy, Elka White Breadseed

  • $4.79


Papaver somniferum

Slovakian heirloom with massive seedheads and oil-rich, snow-white seeds.

Showy pale lavender blooms top these 3-4' tall plants that feed oodles of bees before swelling into fat seedpods that house loads of light-colored seeds that can be used in baking. Seeds are sweeter, nuttier, and oilier than darker varieties. Plus, if they get stuck in your teeth, no one can see them because they're white! So eat up!

200 seeds.

Seeds grown by Thompson Creek Farm in Newman Lake, Washington.

Directions: Poppies dislike having their roots disturbed and they prefer cool soil, so it's best to direct sow them in late fall to early spring. Light is required for germination so scatter seeds on the surface and lightly cover with soil.

Planting Depth

Plant Spacing

Days to Germination

Days to Maturity



