Container gardening and hydroponics open the door to the many benefits of gardening. Check out our blog post, where we explore the benefits and possibilities of container gardens while delving into the diverse range of plants available, shown here!!
Source Images for container garden examples:
3 herbs & basil photo & assorted herbs, tomato, and pepper
Photos CCBY Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Peppers and more - CCBY Enrique Bancalari on Unsplash
Containers on Panel - CCBY Ramiro Pianrosa on Unsplash
Balcony in sunlight with potted plant on table - CCBY Artur Aleksanian on Unsplash
Woman watering plants - CCBY Cassidy Phillips on Unsplash
Large Rectangular Containers CCBY Asparagirl on Flickr
Melons, Lebanese squash, Yellow squash, 'Green Globe' artichokes, 'Toma Verde' tomatillos (two boxes), various heirloom tomatoes (three boxes and many pots), various hot and bell peppers (three boxes), corn, etc. Already harvested: cucumbers, lettuce, string beans, onions, shallots
Tromboncino squash (Zucchini rampicante) growing in an Earthbox and up a string trellis